
28th batch of HDCM course ( 9 Months, Correspondence Mode) for the officials of Handloom department was commenced on 19.07.2023.

WDRA sponsored FAP ( 3rd programme in 2023-24) conducted for the Kanchipuram district at Kanchipuram DCCB on 18.07.2023. Smt. Chithra, Circle DR inaugurated the programme.

3-days training Programme on EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN MEMBERS of Tailoring Cooperative Societies( 19.07.2023 to 21.07.2023 ) inaugurated on 19.07.2023.

Member Education Programme conducted at Govindavadi PACS, Kanchipuram district on 18.07.2023. 100 members benefitted

3-Months CAPACITY BUILDING training programme for the Section Officers( SOs) of Finance dept. from Tamil Nadu Secretariat, Chennai was commenced on 03.07.2023

International Yoga Day ( IYD ) 2023 celebrations on 21.06.2023. Dr. Deepa, HOD- Manipulative Therapy, Govt. Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College & Hospital, Chennai handled sessions on SIGNIFICANCE OF YOGA IN MODERN WORLD TO OVERCOME STRESS and demonstrated select asanas also.

First batch of 5-days induction training programme (05-09 June 2023) for the newly appointed “Junior Quality Inspectors” of TNCSC ( Tamilnadu Civil Supplies Corporation) commenced at NICM, on 05.06.2023.

DICM Final Examination for the participants ( officials of the Social Welfare Department ) commenced on 10.04.2023

Scaling up training programme – “Youth awareness on Co-operatives and Career opportunities in Cooperative sector” conducted at TAGORE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE, Chennai on 31.03.2023

Scaling up training programme – Youth awareness on Cooperatives conducted at HINDU COLLEGE, Chennai on 30.03.2023