
4th batch training programme on Salesmanship for the marketing staff of COOPTEX was conducted during 15-17, March, 2024( Friday to Sunday) at Cooperators Guest house, Ooty. Shri. Dhayalan, JRCS- Nilgris district & Shri. Ayyanar, DRCS/MD Nilgiris CMS graced the inaugural session. Shri. Alok Babelay, CGM, Cooptex distributed certificates to the participants and addressed them, in the Valedictory session.

Valedictory session of 5th batch of Salesmanship training programme for the Marketing staff of COOPTEX was conducted on 24.03.2024( Sunday). Shri. A. Sankaralingam ARCS( R)/Consultant, Shri. R.Balasubramanian, GM( Credit Sales), Shri.A.P.Ravi, GM( Marketing), Shri. R. Vaasu, GM( Exports), COOPTEX participated, interacted with the participants and distributed certificates also

Business Standard Campus Talk – Chennai


“In observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, from 30th October to 5th November 2023, with the theme ‘Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation’, the Honourable Director of Natesan Institute of Cooperative Management emphasized the importance of anti-corruption for a better nation. In the gracious presence of the Director, Deputy Director, Course Coordinator for MBA, VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK IN NICM


On account of Hindi Pakhwara from 14 – 29 September 2023, the Natesan Institute of Cooperative Management (NICM) conducted various competitions. On the 21st of September, Noting & Drafting in Hindi was conducted followed by Essay Writing on the 22nd and the Speech competition on the 25th of September. The theme of the speech competition CELEBRATION OF HINDI PAKHWARA IN NICM


The Natesan Institute of Cooperative Management (NICM) recently hosted CARPEDIEM 2K23, an intercollegiate management event with the theme “Seize the Moment.” The inauguration was carried out by esteemed personalities such as Mr Sesha Sai, the founder of Farmguru Agritech Center, Mr Adithya from Shankar IAS Academy, and Mr Alexander, a TNPL cricket player and an NICM HOSTED CARPEDIEM 2K23

Inauguration of 3-days training programme titled ” DIGITAL PAYMENTS/INTERNET BANKING/MOBILE BANKING & CYBERCRIMES for the Managers & staff of DCCBs & UCBs held on 06.11.2023.

3 – days training programme – “Programme on Cooperative Laws & Allied Laws” for the officials of Cooperative Department commenced on 06.11.2023

Field visit to TUCS ( India’s first Consumer Cooperative Society, established in 1904), Chennai was organised for the DGR sponsored Defence personnel participants of CCRM course on 12.10.2023. JRCS/MD & officials explained the functions of TUCS, which run fair price shops, KAMADHENU Super markets, Medical Shops, Gas agencies, Petrol bunks.

Scaling up training programme – MEP for the members of Pandiyanallur Primary Agricultural Coop. Credit Society, Sholingur Taluk, Ranipet District was conducted on 27.09.2023. 100 members benefitted by this programme.