
Board of Studies Meeting held during 17-18th August 2017

Under the Chairmanship of Dr.P.Jagannathan, Director, NICM, Chennai, attended by Dr. B. Devamaindan, Asst. Professor, Department of Management of Studies, Director Institute of Correspondence Education, University of Madras, and Dr.C.Pitchai, Associate Professor, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram University, to finalize syllabus for the subject “Cooperative Credit and Banking” to be included as the optional paper in Board of Studies Meeting held during 17-18th August 2017

Meeting the Pudukottai District Collector in connection

Meeting the Pudukottai District Collector in connection with IDDP Project work and back to Chennai.(06.11.2015)

Attended the Chief Supdt. Meeting at University of Madras.

Attended the Chief Supdt. Meeting at University of Madras. (10.12.2015)

Submission of Sivagangai Dist. Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP)

Submission of Sivagangai Dist. Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP) to The General Manager, Sivagangai Dist. Coop. Milk Producers Union Ltd.(05.11.2015)

SC & ST Office

SC & ST Office (18.12.2015)

Chief Supdt. Meeting – University

Chief Supdt. Meeting – University (10.12.2015 )


Triplicane (09.12.2015)

Departure to Karaikudi

Departure to Karaikudi (04.11.2015 )

Chief Supdt – University MBA examinations

Chief Supdt – University MBA examinations (02.12.2015)

Chief Supdt – University MBA examinations

Chief Supdt – University MBA examinations (02.11.2015)