
MBA University Exam Commences on 1st November 2017

MBA University Exam Commences on 1st November 2017

83rd HDCM I semester examinations were conducted from 6th – 13th October 2017.

m-Gala a Management event for I & II Year MBA along with HDCM participants

m-Gala a Management event for I & II Year MBA along with HDCM participants was conducted at our Institute in the afternoon of 26th October

CULFEST for MBA I & II and 83rd HDCM

CULFEST for MBA I & II and 83rd HDCM was conducted at out Institute on 26th October 2017

SPOGA for I & II Year MBA and 83rd HDCM

SPOGA for I & II Year MBA and 83rd HDCM was conducted at out Institute from 23rd – 25th October 2017.

The Institute organized Practical Study Tour Visit (PSPV) for the Board of Directors of TNCU

Dr.P.Jagannathan coordinated and accompanied Directors to New Delhi and Gujarat as part of PSTV

Programme on Liquidation Inaugurated by Shri Munianathan, IAS., Director

Dr.K. Kannan, Additional Director (H&T) graced the occasion Dr.P.Jagannathan, Director, NICM gave the welcome address.

Hindi Pakhwara was celebrated at our Institute from 14th to 28th September 2017

On 25th September Dictation, Elocution, Essay Writing and Singing (Individual & Group) were conducted as part of Hindi week.

Visited Namakkal to organize Training Programme on Funds Management for the secretaries of PACCS

Dr.P.Jagannathan, Director, NICM and Dr.R.Gopalsamy, Deputy Director visited Namakkal to organize Training Programme on Funds Management for the secretaries of PACCS in Namakkal District on 27-28th July 2017.

Special lecturer on Management of Dairy Cooperative Societies

Dr.R.Gopalsamy, Deputy Director gave a special lecturer on Management of Dairy Cooperative Societies for the Veterinary Doctors of District Milk Producers Union of Tamil Nadu on 11-12th July 2017 at NDDB Training Center, Erode.