
ICDP Phase – II for Krishnagiri district DLCC meeting was held on 14.08.2020 @ 11.00am under the chairmanship of District Collector, Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, convened the meeting conducted through Zoom. The meeting was attended Managing Director DCCB, Regional Director NCDC, Director NICM, Project Coordinator and NICM Team Members were part of the preparation of detailed project report. The proposals and outlay were approved by the Committee members.

Admission open for MBA 2020-2022 (Regular Programme)

Admission open for MBA 2020-2022 (Regular Programme), Register for the programme by sending mail to (Indicating your Name, Mobile Number, Mail-id, UG with % of Marks, TANCET score / Non TANCET candidates can also register.

Online Classes for II Year MBA (2019-21) will commence from 10.08.2020 through Google Meet.

20th Session of HDCM (Correspondence) commences from 17.08.2020

18th Session of HDCM (Correspondence) programme commenced on 13.07.2020

Programme on Warehouse Management and Scientific Storage through Google Meet was conducted from 13.07.2020 to 17.07.2020

Extension of last date for inviting application for the post of Director, VAMNICOM, Pune O.M. for the Post of Director VAMNICOM

Programme on Core Banking Solutions was conducted during the month of November 2019

17 th HDCM Correspondence went to Salem, Namakkal, Tiruchengode for their Study Visit.

MBA II Semester classes commenced