
All Infrastructure Photos

Cooptex Recruit Exam conducted for the post of Marketing Assistant

Cooptex Recruit Exam conducted for the post of Marketing Assistant (20.02.2016)

Principal Secretary, Sericulture

Principal Secretary, Sericulture (16.02.2016)

Attended the Standing Advisory Committee meeting conducted by ACSTI at TNSC Bank Head Office.

Attended the Standing Advisory Committee meeting conducted by ACSTI at TNSC Bank Head Office. (24.02.2016)

Principal Secretary, Sericulture

Principal Secretary, Sericulture (15.02.2016)

Shri. Alok Kumar Mehta, Hon’ble Coop. Minister, Bihar, Patna Visited

Shri. Alok Kumar Mehta, Hon’ble Coop. Minister, Bihar, Patna Visited (13.02.2016)

Handed over the Merit list to MD Cement Corporation

Handed over the Merit list to MD Cement Corporation (12.02.2016)

Conduct of Junior Asst. Recruitment Test for TANCEM.

Handed over the Merit list to MD Cement Corporation (12.02.2016)

Conduct of Marketing Asst. Recruitment Test for TANCEM.

Conduct of Marketing Asst. Recruitment Test for TANCEM. (11.02.2016)

Went to Sericulture Department to hand over the Merit list at Salem.

Went to Sericulture Department to hand over the Merit list at Salem. (11.02.2016)