
Dr. R. Ganesan

Publications: ‘Management Accounting System in Consumer Cooperatives’, Environment and Experience of Tamilnadu, The Maharastra Cooperative Quarterly, April-June 1996. ‘Effectiveness of Accounting Information System in Cooperatives’, Tamilnadu Journal of Cooperation, June 1996. ‘Consumer Business of LAMPS in Tribal Areas’, Tamilnadu Journal of Cooperation, Oct. 1996. ‘Cooperative Celebrations – A Rural Thrust’, The Maharastra Cooperative Quarterly, January- Dr. R. Ganesan


NICM organizes events of sports and games throughout the year. SPOGA is normally held in the month of February of every year. CULFEST is organized every year in our Institute to enhance the various cultural activities by the students M GALA festive is organized by the Institute where as management game is being conducted for Sports

NICM Staff

NAME OF NON-TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS DESIGNATION Shri N. Pravin Kumar Accountant/OS in charge Shri. Y.C. Ganesh Kumar LDC Shri. K.M. Karthikeyan MTS Shri K Venkataraman MTS


NICM Conducted number of Research & Consultancy services sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture, State Government of Tamil Nadu.


Management Development Programmes is to help to improve management systems and practices among the cooperative employees by providing relevant training to the executives of different sectors of cooperation operating at different levels in the organizational hierarchy. Participants are equipped with the skills spanning different streams of management such as general management, human resources, and organizational SHORT DURATION PROGRAMMES


Eligibility for Admission Personnel working in Cooperative department and Cooperative Institutions with minimum qualification of graduation Private candidate, fulfilling the minimum required qualifications, can be also be admitted. SC/ST candidates will be admitted as per the norms fixed in this behalf by the Government of India Maximum 40 years, relaxable in special cases Duration The HIGHER DIPLOMA IN COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT


The Institute has an active students’ placement programme. Through its placement cell, it provides direction and support to students who are eligible for placements. Some of the past recruiters are Times of India Group, HDFC, LIC, etc.,


As a part of the curriculum each student at NICM is to do Summer Internship for 7 weeks. Usually the Summer Internship will be during the month of May to June. NICM faculty guides the students during the internship. The project report of each student is evaluated by 2 faculties. The students have also to Internship

Course of Study and Scheme of Examinations

The total number of subjects of study shall be 27 out of which 13 shall be compulsory subjects and of the remaining 8 will be Electives, 4 will be soft skills and 1 Internship. A Project Work and a Viva-Voce will be in the Final Semester. 7 Papers in the first semester, 8 subjects in Course of Study and Scheme of Examinations


There shall be four examinations, first semester examination at the middle of the first academic year and the second semester examination at the end of the first academic year. Similarly the third and fourth semester examinations will be held at the middle and the end of the second academic year respectively.